Social Media For Beginners: 10 Types of Posts to Make You Stand Out Online

Are you just getting started with a social media strategy for your business? Not sure what you should be posting about in order to generate followers and engagement?

Here are some tips.

  1. Ask a Question.
    Everyone has an opinion, and social media culture empowers people to share theirs. Question posts get 100 percent more comments than standard social media posts.
  2. Invite fill-in-the-blank responses.This is a great way to boost engagement and subtly harness feedback from your audience. You could leverage that information for future content campaigns or use the insight you gain to improve processes and delight customers/clients.
  3. Offer Free Advice and Tips.
    Your audience is always on the lookout for guidance they or their connections can put to use. Providing valuable content keeps your audience engaged and encourages sharing.
  4. Split fans into two camps.
    Want to drive up engagement? Split your followers in a head-to-head post and encourage them to pick sides. This is a clever way to discover customers’ product preferences and other areas of interest to improve your marketing strategies.
  5. Comment on Trending Topics.
    Leave some room in your social calendar to occasionally cover trending topics as they crop up. It stands to reason that issues with the most relevances to your business also can have the most significant impact.
  6. Invite user-generated content.
    Who really would pay attention to an average customer’s photos and videos on your social media channels? A lot of people, as it turns out. The majority of consumers (more than 90 percent) trust peer reviews and user-generated content over any company-produced material.
  7. Post Video.
    Services such as Sanpchat, Vine, Instagram and Facebook’s native and live-video options mean sharing video never has been easier. It gives fans an inside look at your business and culture and connects them to your brand and staff on a more personal level.
  8. Leverage Nostalgia.
    This longstanding tactic is a perennial favorite in traditional marketing. Sharing content with a days-gone-by feeling captures attention within your audience segments. You’ll also draw subtle connections between your brand and the positive feelings your audience associates with the past.
  9. Schedule Photos as Content.
    Did you know photos get 53 percent more likes, 104 percent more comments, and 84 more click-throughs on links than text-based posts? Photos enable you to tell a story visually, offer inside looks at the company, promote events or simply ask readers to caption a funny image.
  10. Host Promotions.
    Statistics show that 35 percent of fans follow brands to stay updated on promotions. Another 42 percent follow for discounts and special offers. Work these into your calendar to keep those followers engaged, but use these messages sparingly.
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